
To develop the analyical system is a easy thing. You, and most of us are all the IT engineers that have limited idea of of company's operation for each industries. By the way, the knowledge and experience of managment is also not in place. So we won't able to develop the analyical system that can fulfill the company decision makder's expection unless you do not only focus on the system detail operations but expand the theory of management and the advanced vision.

The analyical system is not just a standard product package like the ERP or the accounting system that could be simply oursoucing. It need the people who has the domain knowldege or at least can stands at the same level as the managers do.


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What you can change and what you can't? - Martin E. P. Seligman, Ph.D , 洪蘭 譯

最喜歡書中分享的一句話:「上帝給我們雅量平靜的接受不可改的事情,給我們勇氣去改變應該改變的事情,給我們知慧去區分什麼是可以改變的,什麼是不能改變的。 -Reinhold Niehuhr, "The Serenity Prayer" (1934)




但在人既定的宿命底下,並非所有的事物都是被規劃好的,那些不會真正影響到其他人的宿命的事物,你是可以改變它的 - 但改變這些卻足以讓你感覺人生重大的改變。


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Our body language reveals our thoughts and attuitude, and it also decides the first impression we delivered to people.

Learn how to use SOFTEN rule to soften the body language.


S smile - let people feel your are friendly.

O open arms- shows you are willing to talk.

F forward lean -show you are interesting in the topic. 

T touch- soft and firm hand shake, and tell your name with smile.

E eye contact- naturally, and response people by eye contact

N nod- shows you understand the content, and I am listening.

Source : 吳永佳

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