


撰文者:李欣宜 發表日期:2015/04/01





A:大數據(Big Data)又被稱為巨量資料,其概念其實就是過去10年廣泛用於企業內部的資料分析、商業智慧(Business Intelligence)和統計應用之大成。但大數據現在不只是資料處理工具,更是一種企業思維和商業模式,因為資料量急速成長、儲存設備成本下降、軟體技術進化和雲端環境成熟等種種客觀條件就位,方才讓資料分析從過去的洞悉歷史進化到預測未來,甚至是破舊立新,開創從所未見的商業模式。


Volume、Velocity、Variety + Veracity = Value




例如有一款叫做Ovia Fertility的App,藉由分析30萬名會員的數據,開發演算法,精準計算排卵期,提高懷孕的機率,這個App已幫助5萬名會員成功懷孕。又比如Workday推出一套軟體,預測員工的薪水漲幅和可能跳槽時間,幫助企業決定每名員工的加薪幅度、時間點和轉職時機。理財也逃不過大數據的掌控,騰訊就於年初推出第一家用大數據決定借貸與否的銀行,微眾銀行結合辨識人臉和公安部門資料,決定借貸者的信用等級。




「大,是大數據中最無趣的部分。」天睿資訊(Teradata)首席技術長寶立明(Stephen Brobst)認為,企業真正要尋找的是非傳統的、而且未曾被挖掘過的資料,並且從這些資料中去提煉出價值,這才是對大數據應有的正確認知,而非只是執著於資料大小,只要能從看似毫無意義的數據礦坑中挖掘出金礦,有誰會在意那座礦坑原本是大得像座山還是小得像狗屋呢?和沛科技創辦人翟本喬就指出,大數據這個名字容易讓人誤導,因為真正重要的其實是大智慧。大數據不只是說資料量有多大,速度快和資料量大都可以用技術輕易解決,但種類(Variety)比較需要智慧。




大數據領域權威麥爾苟伯格(Viktor Mayer-Schönberger)在《大數據》一書中便提及,大公司有巨量資料的規模優勢,但小公司有成本及創新上的優勢,小公司因為速度夠快、靈活度高,就算維持小規模,還是能夠蓬勃發展。








A:傳統商業分析會有的風險,大數據也都會有,這並非大數據才有的問題,「個資安全問題」一直都存在,只是隨著資料來源越來越多且資料量越來越大,資安問題更顯迫切罷了。市場研究機構Gartner研究副總裁布萊恩(Brian Prentice)指出,大數據本身並沒有資安問題,問題在企業應用資料的方式,Gartner預測2018年,企業違反商業倫理的案件中,有近50%都來自不當的大數據應用。

另一值得關切的是大數據可能帶來的「資料獨裁問題」,根據大數據領域權威麥爾苟伯格(Viktor Mayer-Schönberger)的說法,資料獨裁指的是任由資料來管控我們,盲目受到分析結果的制約,導致濫用或誤用資料。例如根據數據分析將人群分類,其實有可能會把個體給標籤化,甚至污名化某些族群,想像未來若我們用數據預先打擊犯罪,那會是什麼情景?

Q:Big Data和Open Data有什麼不一樣?

A:開放資料(Open Data)是大數據的一種,但大數據不等同於開放資料。開放資料是指將原本受私人組織或公部門管理的原始資料無條件地開放出來,供任何人使用。近年來討論度較高的是公部門的原始資料,許多民間團體主張公部門資料本為民眾所有,除非涉及個人隱私,否則公部門應無條件開放資料,讓民間可以介接資料,除了瀏覽,還可以加值應用。




根據《大數據@工作力》一書作者湯瑪斯.戴文波特(Thomas H. Davenport)的說法,他根據資料量、所有權和資料應用程度,將產業分成高成就者、資料劣勢者和低成就者。高成就者是那些擁有大量數據,而且已經展現出優異的數據分析成果的企業,例如消費性商品、保險業者、互聯網公司、旅遊、運輸和信用卡公司。在所有互聯網公司中,又以電子商務業者對數據的應用最直接和強烈。以全球最大的電商平台阿里巴巴為例,阿里巴巴假貨問題向來猖獗,但透過分析商品文字、圖片描述、權利人投訴,甚至是社交媒體等16種維度的數據,結合大數據打假貨,現在阿里巴巴有90%以上的下架商品都是大數據系統主動出擊發現的。

而低成就者是坐擁大量資料,但因法規限制或思維僵化等原因,還沒利用數據變現的產業,如媒體、電信、銀行和零售,但其中仍不乏已開始使用數據的例子。例如大型零售業者卡特琳娜行銷集團(Catalina Marketing)就藉由分析超過1億人的消費紀錄,結合旗下5萬5千家零售店舖的POS機資料,交叉比對顧客的消費紀錄,針對顧客的消費喜好發送優惠券,提高行銷效率。







無論是模式一還是模式二,其實都有掌握過去、預測未來和防患於未然的共同點,只是一個應用層面是對外,一個對內,這兩種模式常見於既有的企業。但模式三,也就是以數據做為業務核心的公司,這些公司生來就是要來顛覆傳統行業,它們打從開業的第一天起就把數據當做業務核心,叫車App Uber和防詐騙電話App Whoscall是最好的例子。

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「我們選擇了什麼,就會影響我們的發現」Danah Boyd, Kate Crawford


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  •  在小量資料的思維中,我們自然而然、也有必要減少資料錯誤,但作者一再強調一個全新的概念:"愈多(資料)"會比"(品質)愈好"更重要! 
  • 這裡指的雜亂有分為幾種:
    1. 因為資料點愈多,發生的錯誤機率就愈高。
    2. 因為結合不同源頭、不同類型的各種資料,資料彼此不一定完全相容,也會增加亂度。
    3. 因為資料格式不一致。
  • 巨量資料的概念就是讓數據的重點從"精確"走向"可能性"。例如2加2等於3.9,這樣就夠好了。
  • 很多時候,整體社會的進展,並不只是因為晶片更快、或是演算法更精良了,而是因為有了更多的資料。
  • 長期以來,存取資料庫最常用的程式語言一直是SQL(Structured Query Language)。但近幾年來,已經轉向NoSQL邁進。
  • Google的MapReduce及Yahoo的開放碼軟體Hadoop都是用來處理大且亂的資料。與關連式資料庫相比,Hadoop輸出的結果比較不準確,不能用在發射太空船、或是查詢銀行帳戶詳細資料等用途。因為它省下原本ETL的過程,直接在所處的位置加以分析。



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Bid data  


Big Data:A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think



麥爾荀伯格 Viktor Mayer-Schonberger


庫基耶 Kenneth Cukier


 第二章 更多資料 (More)

  • 使用巨量資料作研究,就像是釣魚,一開始的時候,非但不知道是否釣得到東西,連「釣得到什麼」也還在未定之數。
    • 這是一個有趣的議題。 那當"釣魚的成本"很大的時候,人們還願意去釣魚嗎? 要不就是把釣魚的成本降低,讓大家都能釣魚,不然就是讓會釣魚的漁夫來釣魚賣給大家。
    • 另外,如果連"釣的到什麼"也是未知數時,會有漁夫願意投入去釣魚嗎?
    • 這個概念就像,這裡有一池水,你去碰碰運氣吧!! ->這是大數據所遇到的困境。
  • 大數據到底有多大呢?
    • 巨量資料的「巨量」不是絕對,而是相對的概念。指的是要有"完整"的資料集。->這個概念很正確!!
    • 但作者也提出了一些案例:
    1. Google每天會處理超過24PB的資料。至1PB到底有多大?
    2. 史隆數位巡天計劃(Sloan Digital Sky Survey, SDSS)始於2000年,至2010年間所收集資訊已超過140TB。但將在2016年進行的綜合巡天望遠鏡計劃(Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, LSST),只要5個工作天就可以得到同樣的資料量。
    3. 根據希伯特的計算,在2007年,全世界儲存了超過300EB的資料(1EB (exatyte =1000 petabyte). 但1EB到底有多大?
    • 1Byte = 8 Bit 
    • 1 KB = 1,024 Bytes  
    • 1 MB = 1,024 KB = 1,048,576 Bytes  
    • 1 GB = 1,024 MB = 1,048,576 KB = 1,073,741,824 Bytes 
    • 1 TB = 1,024 GB = 1,048,576 MB = 1,073,741,824 KB = 1,099,511,627,776 Bytes 
    • 1 PB = 1,024 TB = 1,048,576 GB =1,125,899,906,842,624 Bytes 
    • 1 EB = 1,024 PB = 1,048,576 TB = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 Bytes 
    • 1 ZB = 1,024 EB = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 Bytes 
    • 1 YB = 1,024 ZB = 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 Bytes 
  • 統計學家證實,要提高抽樣的準確度,最好的方式並非增加樣本數,而是要作到隨機抽樣。 ->這個聽起來很驚人!!是吧!? 但這也是統計學樣本分析的理論基礎。但如果「樣本=母體」時,又時如何? 另外,統計中的的調查方法通常是有很大的人為誤差的。但現在大數據是讓人自然而然做自已做的事,研究者只是從旁被動收集資料,因此能夠避免過去各種抽樣和問卷調查的差。
  • 其實,統計抽樣的概念只有不到三個糺紀的歷史,只是因為在歷史上的某個時刻,有了某種技術限制造成的問題,因而應運而生的解決方法。 -> 這也是說,統計是一種過渡的產物?

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這是Dan Ariely的在Face book中的一句玩笑話,卻道出了實際的情況。真正在作大數據的企業並不多,但是大家多躍躍欲試。


Big data is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it...




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 SCM Big data  


根據數位時代2015年的文章,台灣在Big data產業中,於資料分析及服務的拼圖上是缺乏的。



  • 明泰
  • 智邦
  • 友訊
  • 正文
  • 台勤


  • 鴻海
  • 緯創
  • 廣達
  • 英業達
  • 勤誠
  • 和碩


  • 普安
  • 喬鼎


  • 精誠
  • 聚碩
  • 凌群
  • 零壹
  • 敦陽
  • 資通
  • 華碩
  • 新鼎
  • 台達電
  • Etu


  • 雲深 (http://www.cloudeep.com.tw/)
    • 網業沒有內容
  • 關貿 (http://www.yodass.com/)
    • Location




  • 科智 (http://www.servtech.com.tw/about.php)
    • 科智企業股份有限公司的公司成員,大多來自於財團法人資訊工業策進會衍生創業(Spin-off)的專業技術服務團隊,其核心產品為關鍵製程資料之應用服務解決方案Servolution,主要是透過資通訊科技(Information and Communication Technology, ICT)蒐集整廠資訊,研發製造最佳化分析技術,協助設備加工廠提高稼動率並藉以提升供應鏈管理彈性,帶動製造業服務化模式創新。
    • 所採用方法為整合前端感測裝置訊號,使前端機械設備及週邊機械可透過各式訊號源傳回,經由整合且標準化之通訊協定送往後端平台,進行資料分析、根本原因(Root Cause)分析以挖掘生產瓶頸,進而運用不同應用服務,來增強競爭優勢。
      • 台北市大同區環河北路二段115號7樓
  • 威朋 (http://www.vpon.com/zh-tw/)
    • 成立於2008年,專注在行動裝置的行動廣告領域,憑藉強大的研發技術、海量數據處理分析,以及對品牌廣告主的商業拓展能力,Vpon威朋已服務超過1000家知名品牌,包括:麥當勞、可口可樂、美國運通、花旗銀行等。獨立使用者超過4.5億,廣告業務涵蓋東京、上海、廣州、香港、台北等750多個城市。目前Vpon威朋於上海/東京/台北/香港設有辨公室,是亞洲地區成長最迅猛的大數據廣告公司。Vpon威朋獲獎無數,2015年更獲《Forbes China富比士中國100強》選為中國非上市潛力企業第3名。
    • 技術優勢亞洲首家LBS技術與行動應用廣告模式相結合的創新行動廣告服務提供

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在上NPDP課程時,書中提到的賭博五律 (Five gambling rules):

  1. 當不確定性高時,別賭太大。
  2. 當風險降時,逐漸加碼。
  3. 分批加注。
  4. 看每個階段逐漸降低不確定性,花小錢買資訊。
  5. 設定停損點,適時退場。

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分類(Classifier)是data mining的一種分析工具,它可以將一群資料進行分類,並進而預測新資料是落於那一個分類群。



當然,假設有一群病人的資料,其中我們已得知每位病人的屬性(attributes),如:年齡,血壓,脈博,及家族史等。好了,有了這些病人的屬性後,我們想要預測那些病人會得癌症。這群病人可以分為2類:1)會得癌症 2)不會得癌症。 而我們將這些已知的病人屬性及其分類資料當成C4.5的輸入資料,而C4.5會根據新病人的屬性來預測新病人類別:1)會得癌症 2)不會得癌症。



概然C4.5的輸入資料類別是已知的,所以C4.5當然就是Supervised learning。



  1. C4.5是用Information gian

You might be wondering how C4.5 is different than other decision tree systems?

  • First, C4.5 uses information gain when generating the decision tree.
  • Second, although other systems also incorporate pruning, C4.5 uses a single-pass pruning process to mitigate over-fitting. Pruning results in many improvements.
  • Third, C4.5 can work with both continuous and discrete data. My understanding is it does this by specifying ranges or thresholds for continuous data thus turning continuous data into discrete data.
  • Finally, incomplete data is dealt with in its own ways.







Why use C4.5? Arguably, the best selling point of decision trees is their ease of interpretation and explanation. They are also quite fast, quite popular and the output is human readable.

Where is it used? A popular open-source Java implementation can be found over at OpenToxOrange, an open-source data visualization and analysis tool for data mining, implements C4.5 in their decision tree classifier.

Classifiers are great, but make sure to checkout the next algorithm about clustering…




1 C4.5 and beyond

1.1 Introduction Systems that construct classifiers are one of the commonly used tools in data mining. Such systems take as input a collection of cases, each belonging to one of a small number of classes and described by its values for a fixed set of attributes, and output a classifier that can accurately predict the class to which a new case belongs. These notes describe C4.5 [64], a descendant of CLS [41] and ID3 [62]. Like CLS and ID3, C4.5 generates classifiers expressed as decision trees, but it can also construct classifiers in more comprehensible ruleset form. We will outline the algorithms employed in C4.5, highlight some changes in its successor See5/C5.0, and conclude with a couple of open research issues.

1.2 Decision trees Given a set S of cases, C4.5 first grows an initial tree using the divide-and-conquer algorithm as follows: • If all the cases in S belong to the same class or S is small, the tree is a leaf labeled with the most frequent class in S. • Otherwise, choose a test based on a single attribute with two or more outcomes. Make this test the root of the tree with one branch for each outcome of the test, partition S into corresponding subsets S1, S2,... according to the outcome for each case, and apply the same procedure recursively to each subset.


There are usually many tests that could be chosen in this last step. C4.5 uses two heuristic criteria to rank possible tests: information gain, which minimizes the total entropy of the subsets {Si } (but is heavily biased towards tests with numerous outcomes), and the default gain ratio that divides information gain by the information provided by the test outcomes. Attributes can be either numeric or nominal and this determines the format of the test outcomes. For a numeric attribute A they are {A ≤ h, A > h} where the threshold h is found by sorting S on the values of A and choosing the split between successive values that maximizes the criterion above. An attribute A with discrete values has by default one outcome for each value, but an option allows the values to be grouped into two or more subsets with one outcome for each subset. The initial tree is then pruned to avoid overfitting. The pruning algorithm is based on a pessimistic estimate of the error rate associated with a set of N cases, E of which do not belong to the most frequent class. Instead of E/N, C4.5 determines the upper limit of the binomial probability when E events have been observed in N trials, using a user-specified confidence whose default value is 0.25. Pruning is carried out from the leaves to the root. The estimated error at a leaf with N cases and E errors is N times the pessimistic error rate as above. For a subtree, C4.5 adds the estimated errors of the branches and compares this to the estimated error if the subtree is replaced by a leaf; if the latter is no higher than the former, the subtree is pruned. Similarly, C4.5 checks the estimated error if the subtree is replaced by one of its branches and when this appears beneficial the tree is modified accordingly. The pruning process is completed in one pass through the tree. C4.5’s tree-construction algorithm differs in several respects from CART [9], for instance: • Tests in CART are always binary, but C4.5 allows two or more outcomes. • CART uses the Gini diversity index to rank tests, whereas C4.5 uses information-based criteria. • CART prunes trees using a cost-complexity model whose parameters are estimated by cross-validation; C4.5 uses a single-pass algorithm derived from binomial confidence limits. • This brief discussion has not mentioned what happens when some of a case’s values are unknown. CART looks for surrogate tests that approximate the outcomes when the tested attribute has an unknown value, but C4.5 apportions the case probabilistically among the outcomes. 1.3 Ruleset classifiers Complex decision trees can be difficult to understand, for instance because information about one class is usually distributed throughout the tree. C4.5 introduced an alternative formalism consisting of a list of rules of the form “if A and B and C and ... then class X”, where rules for each class are grouped together. A case is classified by finding the first rule whose conditions are satisfied by the case; if no rule is satisfied, the case is assigned to a default class. C4.5 rulesets are formed from the initial (unpruned) decision tree. Each path from the root of the tree to a leaf becomes a prototype rule whose conditions are the outcomes along the path and whose class is the label of the leaf. This rule is then simplified by determining the effect of discarding each condition in turn. Dropping a condition may increase the number N of cases covered by the rule, and also the number E of cases that do not belong to the class nominated by the rule, and may lower the pessimistic error rate determined as above. A hill-climbing algorithm is used to drop conditions until the lowest pessimistic error rate is found.


To complete the process, a subset of simplified rules is selected for each class in turn. These class subsets are ordered to minimize the error on the training cases and a default class is chosen. The final ruleset usually has far fewer rules than the number of leaves on the pruned decision tree. The principal disadvantage of C4.5’s rulesets is the amount of CPU time and memory that they require. In one experiment, samples ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 cases were drawn from a large dataset. For decision trees, moving from 10 to 100K cases increased CPU time on a PC from 1.4 to 61 s, a factor of 44. The time required for rulesets, however, increased from 32 to 9,715 s, a factor of 300. 1.4 See5/C5.0 C4.5 was superseded in 1997 by a commercial system See5/C5.0 (or C5.0 for short). The changes encompass new capabilities as well as much-improved efficiency, and include: • A variant of boosting [24], which constructs an ensemble of classifiers that are then voted to give a final classification. Boosting often leads to a dramatic improvement in predictive accuracy. • New data types (e.g., dates), “not applicable” values, variable misclassification costs, and mechanisms to pre-filter attributes. • Unordered rulesets—when a case is classified, all applicable rules are found and voted. This improves both the interpretability of rulesets and their predictive accuracy. • Greatly improved scalability of both decision trees and (particularly) rulesets. Scalability is enhanced by multi-threading; C5.0 can take advantage of computers with multiple CPUs and/or cores. More details are available from http://rulequest.com/see5-comparison.html. 1.5 Research issues We have frequently heard colleagues express the view that decision trees are a “solved problem.” We do not agree with this proposition and will close with a couple of open research problems. Stable trees. It is well known that the error rate of a tree on the cases from which it was constructed (the resubstitution error rate) is much lower than the error rate on unseen cases (the predictive error rate). For example, on a well-known letter recognition dataset with 20,000 cases, the resubstitution error rate for C4.5 is 4%, but the error rate from a leave-one-out (20,000-fold) cross-validation is 11.7%. As this demonstrates, leaving out a single case from 20,000 often affects the tree that is constructed! Suppose now that we could develop a non-trivial tree-construction algorithm that was hardly ever affected by omitting a single case. For such stable trees, the resubstitution error rate should approximate the leave-one-out cross-validated error rate, suggesting that the tree is of the “right” size. Decomposing complex trees. Ensemble classifiers, whether generated by boosting, bagging, weight randomization, or other techniques, usually offer improved predictive accuracy. Now, given a small number of decision trees, it is possible to generate a single (very complex) tree that is exactly equivalent to voting the original trees, but can we go the other way? That is, can a complex tree be broken down to a small collection of simple trees that, when voted together, give the same result as the complex tree? Such decomposition would be of great help in producing comprehensible decision trees.


C4.5 Acknowledgments Research on C4.5 was funded for many years by the Australian Research Council. C4.5 is freely available for research and teaching, and source can be downloaded from http://rulequest.com/Personal/c4.5r8.tar.gz.

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Source: kdnuggets

這一系列文章將介紹前10大最具影響力之data mining方法論,而這10種方法論則是透過三種不同問卷平台所調查而得的。survey paper.




前10 大方法論的排名分別是:

  1. C4.5
  2. k-means
  3. Support vector machines
  4. Apriori
  5. EM
  6. PageRank
  7. AdaBoost
  8. kNN
  9. Naive Bayes
  10. CART

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迴歸分析(Regression analysis)是統計上的一大利器,但如果你不了解其中的函義前就直接套用,相信你也可以導出像英國研究這樣的大膽假設,無心求證的結果。


  1. 使用迴歸分析來分析非線性關係的問題。 (就像是硬要在分佈極遠的3個點之間劃上一條線,而就希望該線能代表3個點)
  2. 數據間具相關系並不等於具有因果關係。(某一時期美國自閉症人數上升,中國的GDP也上升。這並不意味其間有真接的因果關係)
  3. 顛倒的因果。(A 與B具相關性,並無法推論出是A導致B,還是B導致A。常見的英式作法就是看那種推論較為聳動就選那一個)
  4. 遺漏變數偏誤。(生活壓力大的人大多是"年輕人",做愛次數本來就比年長者多。故其分析遺漏了"年紀"的這個變數)
  5. 高度相關的解釋變數(多重共線性)。(只有走路3次就可以......? 但常走路的人不代表就不從事其它運動。一個統計模型中放入太多高度相關的變數,會使分析的焦點模糊)
  6. 超出資料範圍的推測。(用身高來推算智力? 那你很能得到身高=負25公分這樣的可笑結果)
  7. 資料地雷(太多變數)

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